Being spiritual in today’s world

Over the past few weeks I have read many social media posts, blogs etc about the difficult / damaged times in which we live. I’ve read about how the consumer society prevents us from spiritual growth. It’s enough to make one want to put on the itchiest sack cloth, cover one’s face with mud and roam the streets with a placard saying “The end is nigh”. Being spiritual is more than this.

The challenge of being spiritual in today’s world is not to separate ourselves from it by bemoaning what others are doing, and there by feeling good about ourselves since we are obviously morally superior. The challenge is how to get stuck in, how to be a part of the change. The challenge is how to express our desire for a different way of being, which respects that others around us may not feel the same. The challenge is how to be the fullest version of ourselves, without putting others down to make us look / feel better. Being spiritual is about having a foot in both sides and then working with compassion.

We each have our unique voice, our unique journey. I want to be the fullest version of that, and want to express it to others without fear. I also then have to allow others to do the same, even if their voice is counter to mine. Using language that demeans others doesn’t do that. I have read many attacks on our politicians that have enraged me. I have worked with many politicians and have seen who difficult it is as a job. I know from just standing for parliament how quickly one’s inbox fills up with angry emails. Thankfully I only got a few personal attacks, but others were getting a lot more.  For all the bravado, politicians do feel the attacks. Most are trying to do their best even if they are using what I see as flawed arguments and emotional manipulation.

We need to be beacons, to be the best we can be, to express our views as clearly as we can.  We need to challenge ourselves to go through our fears and do it anyway. We need to lead by example so that others can see there can be a different way if they want to follow it.  Pushing our view on others, however good we think those views are, is a sign that we don’t fully trust in the Spirits. It is not our job to protect the Spirits, they can do that for themselves. We need to hold them in their rightful place in our hearts. As beacons we do what we can, no matter how small. Helping someone else, taking the rubbish out of the nature around us, expressing our feelings fully. What then happens is then a step of faith.

I do pray that Mother Earth will heal the damage, that we will find peace with each other. I intend to continue to explore and find my path and fully express it. I welcome others challenging me on whether I’m fully doing that.

So please be the best beacon you can be.

Love and Blessings

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